Vibration Analysis and Predictive Maintenance Training

The course explains basic vibration theory, the benefits of predictive maintenance and how to organize a predictive maintenance program. Coupled with this will be an overview of the interdependence of vibration monitoring, vibration analysis and condition abased maintenance options.

•    Basic Vibration
o    Typical Causes of Vibration
o    Characteristics of Vibration
o    Vibration and Root Cause Analysis
o    Frequency, Spike Energy, Displacement
•    Case Histories with Vibration Spectra Displays
o    Amplitude Vs Frequency
o    What is a decibel?
o    Interpreting Amplitude/ Phase-vs. rpm plots
o    Stroboscopic Observations
•    How Rotating machine Behave
o    Machinery Mass and Speed
o    Shaft Systems
o    Bearing Systems
o    Foundation and Support Structures
•    Benefits of Predictive Maintenance Program
o    Cost Benefit Analysis
o    Cost Analysis
o    Detection Requirements
o    Case Histories with Vibration spectrum Displays

02-05 Juli 2012
08.00 – 16.00 WIB
Hotel berbintang di Yogyakarta ( Grand Aston/Ibis/ Phonix/ MM UGM )

The course is intended for engineers, mechanical technicians and maintenance staff involved in the creation of vibration monitoring programs for use in Predictive Maintenance.

Ir. Y. Agus Jayatun, MT ( Pakar dan Praktisi di bidang Maintenance khususnya Predictive Maintenance)

1.    Training Module
2.    Training CD contains training material
3.    Certificate
4.    Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
5.    Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
6.    Bag or backpackers
7.    Training Photo
8.    Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
9.    Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
10.    Qualified instructor
11.    Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Biaya kursus: Rp. 5.500.000,- per peserta (Non Residential)
Rp. 5.000.000,- per peserta ( Pendaftaran 3 peserta dari 1 perusahaan)

Bexcellent Consultant
Jl. Parangtritis Km 6,5 (Komplek Kampus ISI) Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta
Phone     : 0274—7855441          Fax. : 0274—414137
E-mail     :
Website    :
CP          : FAJAR (087 839890 326)  


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