Health and Safety Training

The high level of industry competition fosters a new paradigm of health and safety as a significant aspect to be considered. Occupational Health and Safety/K3 is an indicator of the level of implementation of workforce welfare and directly correlated with the quality of the workforce, increased productivity and economic growth. In line with the government policy on the Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 04/1987 implementation about the Development  Health and Safety Committee/Panitia Pembinaan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (P2K3), UU No. 13 of 2003 on the implementation of Occupational Health And Safety Management (SMK3) and UU No. 1 of 1970 on employment. The availability of the General Occupational Health And Safety Specialist (Ahli K3 Umum/AK3 Umum) in Industry is expected to oversee the implementation of laws and regulation of Occupational Health and Safety/ K3 in the industry and also able to deliver optimal roles in corporate organizations on controlling the risk of workplace accidents.

• Explain the duties, powers and responsibilities of AK3
• Describe the rights of workers in the field of K3
• Explain to the employer that the effort on K3 is company advantage.
• Explain the purpose of the management system K3 (SMK3)
• Explain the accident reporting system
• Analyze the case of an accident, find out the causes and to prepare reports of accidents to related parties
• Know the P2K3, duties, responsibilities and authority of this organization
• Know the K3 supervision and coaching in the level of company, National and International
• Identify K3 Supervision objects
• Know the requirements and compliance on laws and regulations in the workplace
• Know of the audit process and its scope to achieve the level of achievement

• Preparing and creating General Occupational Health And Safety Specialist (Ahli K3 Umum) who can do the identification, evaluation, control risks in the implementation of the K3
• Preparing the manpower who is capable of implementing the General Occupational Health And Safety in the workplace
• Preparing and manpower who is able to explain the techniques to prevent and control occupational accidents
• Preparing for specialists who can manage and run the organization P2K3

1.  National Policy
2.  Act No.1 of 1970
3.  Basics of K3
4.  K3 Supervision on Boiler
5.  K3 supervision on Pressure Vessel
6. K3 Supervision Mechanical Machine
7. P3K3
8. Institutional / Expertise
9. SMK3 and Audit SMK3
10. K3 Supervision on Occupational Safety
11. P3K
12. Accident Reports
13. Risk Management
14. K3 Supervision of Building Construction
15. K3 Supervision of Fire
16. K3 Supervision of Electricity
17. K3 Supervision of Environmental
18. Field Trip
19. Case studies & Evaluation

Instructor training will be delivered by K3 Specialist of The Ministry Of Manpower And Transmigration Of The Republic Of Indonesia and experts from industry who are experienced in providing K3 training.

The training is very appropriate for employees in various departments who have worked at least two more years
Participant requirements:
1. Copy of Identity Card
2. D3/College minimal education
3. A letter of recommendation from the Company
4. 4×6 photos, 2×3 and 3×4 each of the four sheets with a red background

Date    : 24 April to 5 May 2012 (10 days training)
Time    : 08.00 s / d 16:00 pm
Place    : Yogyakarta


  • Certificate of Ministry Of Manpower And Transmigration Of The Republic Of Indonesia
  • Souvenir
  • Training Kit
  • Handout
  • SK Penunjukan for General Occupational Health And Safety Specialist (Ahli K3 Umum)
  • General Occupational Health And Safety Specialist (Ahli K3 Umum) Card
  • Pin Badges and General K3 Specialist from the Ministry.

Training fee for Rp 7.500.000, – per participant (Non Residential).
Special Rate Discounts for 3 participants from the same company
Payments can be transferred to:

PT. Bank Mandiri
Branch of Sudirman Yogyakarta
No. Rek. 137-00-0735491-9

B-Excellent Consultant
Jl. Parangtritis KM 6,5 Sewon, Bantul, Yogyakarta
Phone        : 0274—7855441, 414137
Fax.         : 0274—414137
E-mail        :
Website        :

CP               : FAJAR (087 839 890 326)

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